Monday, January 07, 2008

~tat place is kinda ulu~

todae just went for an interview at the DBS bank at the alxendra terrance road there, and its reali super ulu.its neither assessible too and i think onli ppl tat have cars can work there..ppl like us who take public transport dun reali yearn to work there cos reaching there can be quite a problem cos its quite isolated.of cos when i knew tat i started to feel reali sian liao cos i cant imagine myself working there.seriously this time round, i reali did prepare veri hard for the interview cos this time round i got more time to do research and of cos tried to memorized watever i can cos this time round i reali want to do well in interview.but so unlucky this time round the interviewer didnt ask the same qns tat were ask by the previous have to on the spot think of how to sae.but basically i talk crap again cos i didnt reali want this job after much reconsideration..she told me tat sometimes i might need to work late and perhaps some sat need to come bac to finish up my work.all these i just couldnt commit myself to cos sat got lesson to attend.weekday cant reali work OT frequently (but once a while still ok) cos after work still must go home practice piano.all my days are usually quite packed le.argh, sometimes i am just reali tired..
then todae my shuai ge agent called cos he got job lobang for me..yeah first was A star research company and i am shortlisted for interview.but seriously i reali hate to go for interview cos i always cock up in interview and i am bad at speaking also, so veri often i cant get a job.and i have gone for many interviews le, so i am kinda sick of going for another interview again and waiting for reply.but seriously i yearn to work at A star cos i think it would be benefical for me esp if i want to continue sci course in university. on the other hand, i have confirm been hired by some company without having going through interview and its a 3 months contract doing customer service.seriously i have never been able to stay for a job for more than 3 months, longest was just 1.5 months.i relai duno if i can take up this contract cos to me its quite long..wat if i dun like tat job? and i have yet to know wat am i supposed to do and the working environment and all those and yet i have to sign the contract already..all these seems veri unfair to job seekers man.oh no i am veri confused.
slacking at home this few days make me even more tired.duno why either.hai~everyday is just practising piano here and there and i am reali sick of such life le cos i reali hate ppl to force me play when i dun like to play piano at all.sometimes i think i am just wasting my dad's hard earned money and yet i put in no effort to learn at all..tat's also explain why i always fail my grade 8 piano.

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