Saturday, January 12, 2008

~new workplace @biopolis~

newwork place seems pretty tiring for me especially to my eyes cos i have to face the computer for long hours and i think i cant reali take it cos my eyes will started to feel painful after staring the computer for a while.but what to do, i cant tell my boss tat my eyes feel veri painful so i dun feel like doing rite?so wat, have to tahan cos i dun have a choice.but i am pretty scared tat my eyesight will deteriate esp i do heard from my friends tat becos of long hours of facing the comp, then her eyesight became to 1000 plus, i dun wan tat to happen to perhaps i will bring my screen protector to work everyday.yes, though it seems tat i am abit siao, but who cares man, i dun wan my eyesight to become worse.
actually the ppl over there quite ok, just tat i am the onli youngest over there and the ppl over there call me by xiao mei.though everyday they always smile to me when they see me, but who knows what they are thinking.maybe in front of u, they might be smiling at u, but behind u talk bad things abt u..some of the ppl over there speaks with an amercian slang, i believe they should have study overbroad, else how much they got tat slang..wah, it seems reali cool to me, and i do hope i can learn some of their slang.maybe sometimes i do admire ppl who can speak with slang.
first day of work is already veri tiring cos my collegues kept on giving me lots of work to do despite i am just new here and i am just reporting 1st day of work.and wat the heck man, they always give me last min work and expect me to finish up by the end of the day when i onli have around 15 mins to finish up for them before its time to knock what? i am supposed to finish 6 to 7 quotations in 15 mins?? wah lao its just impossible wat tat day i am the 2nd lastest to leave the company and all the perm staff has left liao, onli left me and another perm kelian man, i dun understand why tat day i am so hardworking to the extent tat even boss left before me and i dun even have OT pay for the extra hours tat i have worked for.The auntie over there keep asking me to go bac first and she wanted to wait for me to finish up my work but i told her not to wait for me cos its just reali too much to complete, so she call up my boss to tell her abt my progress..yup, so boss told me not to worry and so i left for home the uncompleted work i pass bac to the ppl who gave me loh, aiya who cares man.i mean u ppl should know tat i 1st day of work cant reali help out tat much since i am still not familiar with the system.just give me more time to master the new program then i will speed up my work..but seriously i am veri blur when i step for work for the 1st day cos everything seems just so alien to me.hai~and whatever they talked abt, all just seems so alien to me cos i dun understand at all..and they lunch time still talk abt work..oh man, give me a break i just have to sit there quietly and daydream during lunch time.
next week my collegue are on leave, so i am left on my own..oh man, i cant imgaine how i can cope with myself..ok, i predict next mon will be super stressful.
to me, i am seriously sick of this home especially when your mum keep finding fault with u for no reason and ended up keep quarreling and bickering the whole day with u..of cos being someone who gets flare up easily especially towards someone like her who show attitude to u and keep requesting unreasonable can i not be angry and quarrel bac with her.i think without my brother around, i think the frequency of us engaging in quarrels got even higher.she always says tat she prays tat i will meet with mischap some day, wat the heck, i hear liao also angry.yes, i admit tat i am unfilial to her, but if she change her attitude to me, perhaps i will change my attitude towards her, else i doubt i will talk nicely to her.i always respect and talk nicely to my dad cos he always reason out things with me and i reali dun like ppl to use violence to talk things to wat u got a loud voice, i am not scared of u man.
21st birthday for lots of ppl are coming up..ok i got 2 to attend to, and i tink i gotta save up soon for birthday present..and my piano teacher is super naggy man..though i think he is quite experienced, but i dun reali like him..i would prefer my previous teacher.

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