Sunday, January 20, 2008

~lost in life~

last sat went to a birthday celebration which was held at the pasir ris chalet.buffet was pretty nice.other than tat i think the celebration was pretty normal..eating, gathering with friends and chatting with one another.tat's all we did during tat nite.actually tat nite i was pretty bored lah cos most of the ppl i dun even know them or some schmates tat i seen before, but never talk since both me and my the other guy classmate were so bored, then we started chatting..seriously we were chatting so happily tat i have clean forgotton abt my ger- friends..ok tat seems reali bad.somehow my ger-friend was telling me tat she knows what kind of guys i like le..she gave him as one of the choice, plus the other guy whom i have never talked to before.surprising she can read my mind and she has guessed it all correctly.actually i cant reali spell out what kind of guys i like la,but i guess it goes with feelings as in how i feel for tat person during the 1st impression.maybe 1st impression is quite impt to me and him was just chatting abt our current lives.yeah, i realised tat both of us are equally lost in life.seriously i have no idea what i wan to work as in near future.actually i am applying for uni just for the sake of applying, and i have yet to realise wat i reali like and my he told me tat i am veri lost cos i wasnt serious enough cos i always smile and laugh like nobody business.he said tat he has never seen me in a serious look before.ya true, wat he said was quite right.maybe its time tat i set goals for myself, but few yrs bac, i did thought of this issue le, but somehow still cant get an ans out of it.oh man, i am already going to be 21 soon, but yet my future seems so bleak and unclear to me.esp when i guess tat my A levels results will be out next wk since the O levels will be out this thur.oh man, worries has started accumulating cos there are just too many uncertainties tat i hope wont occur on me again.if i did worst this time round, i reali duno wat to do..i believe all i will do is cry til duno like wat, after tat then decide my future path.but i reali dun wan to work so early cos i feel tat working life reali sucks.for now, i am just embarking on tat "play play" attitude towards work.i reali cant imagine me working for life with tat serious attitute.
last piano lesson was kinda pissed off for me cos i cant tahan tat naggy teacher.i got a naggy mother at home le, and there is another one coming up..wa lao i cant even have a piece of mind.this teacher is kinda strict with me cos my mum told him tat i am quite lazy so i need ppl to "push" Me then i start moving i believe tat he did wat my mum told him.wa sian and wat i am pissed off with this teacher is tat he kept on asking me to buy this and tat and seriously i find it pointless lah..not onli tat, he is just wasting my hard earn money when recently i am quite broke le due to the so many gatherings and birthdays and yet i have to search frantically for this stupid metronome which is so ex lah, so i lied to him tat i have bought one already,else he would nag at me again for being so inefficient at buying things. but eventually i still bought tat metronome cos he sae he wans to see it as a prove tat i have gotton one.wa lao i have never met such a "smart" teacher before.i guess i have met my opponent le.i guess i am going to have a hard time under this teacher.sometimes i am reali so unhappy with him tat i show him my black face.yah, recently i realised tat i am quite easily fed up with ppl.duno why also, hopefully i dun snap at ppl when i am in a bad mood.
sun went to the bugis temple to pray..this time i am reali quite serious cos i am praying hard tat i will do well this seems tat watever the lot write seems veri says tat i am veri confused and lost and i am left dangling no where.initially i reali dun believe such things de, but i guess i will start to believe it liao.i guess onli me myself then can help my own self to buck up.
this sun got a "date" with him again.duno why i dun seems to be looking foward towards this sun.aiya i think i am just a veri fickle minded person and hopefully this "Outing" wouldnt be tat awarward like the previous time.this sat going bac sch for cvd..haha, hopefully can get to see idol many months never see them le..

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