Tuesday, January 29, 2008

~super bored @ work~

hai~work lately has been so sian man cos i got nothing to do.previously i was given so much work tat i cant cope..then i think they always see me knock off so late, so they decided to lightened my work load..somehow i onli need to follow up the work tat belongs to 2 of my collegues,those tat belongs to other collegues are non of my business..haha,finally they liang xian fa xian liao,else i reali work like mad.but now,though its gd tat i got nothing much to do, but its kinda boring when i got nothing to do to kill time..cant surf net openly either cos small boss is around.sometimes i decided not to be so calculative la and help my the other collegues complete some of her work cos she got quite a no of things to do and last time she did helped me out when i cant finish my work.so i shouldnt be tat calculative.anyway i also zhuo bo once i complete my work.todae i came to work super early todae, then big boss was kinda shocked so she asked me why i cant to work tat early..haha.i told i woke up early, but actually i got motive for coming to work early todae de.actually i wanted to photocopy some of my piano scores using the office photocopy machine,but apparently she believes..haha.i think she is impressed with me for tat moment since i am super damn early and no one is in the office yet except 2 of my the other collegues.
recently i relai admire this particular collegues of mine cos i reali felt tat she is someone who is quite humorous and someone with character..though she talks and walks relai like some tomboy,but duno why she appeals so much to me..haha.reali feel like calling her "jie jie" cos she is so cute.so far no tomboy has impressed me before, i think she is the 1st one.haha
yesterday i was kinda stressed up and cracking my head over what should i prepare for todae's lesson.i spent like 2.5hrs thinking and reading through the materials tat i have at home.actually this is somehow like forcing me to revise what i have learned in the past, cos most of it i have reali forgotton le.hai~sian, i duno how can i go through tat 1hr of teaching.i think i am going to apply my brother's tactic le.my company has lots of ex food to eat.one of them is choclates.wah,the chocolate are swiss made and its contains some small % of alcohol in it and some wine also..though it taste horrible to me cos i have never eaten such a weird taste chocolate before,but one look can see tat the chocolate is damn expensive.its just i duno how to appreciate such taste onli.
hai~things seems to be not going well since tat day onwards,i duno if is it like wat yh said before.afterall things are quite fresh initally,but after tat things will turn stale and boring le.oh man, i am reali veri sian now !!! i slack for so many hours le and nobody gives me anything to do.
chinese new yr is coming up in a wk time.sian, its another boring celebration again.i think i am going to slack at home again and watch tv again.and i have been told by someone tat the results will be out only at end of feb or early march just like last yr.ok at least for now, i can play hard now and worry later.yawns,i am so sleepy now...

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