Tuesday, January 22, 2008

~freaking piano teacher~

hai~tat piano teacher of mine is so fann man.keep pestering me to pay my exams fees when the lastest date to pay up is not up yet.wa lao u think i am atm machine ah,want to pay exams fees also need time to raise money de mah.moreover my parents are not going to pay for it, so i gonna pay myself, which i am quite reluctant to do so cos its alot of money.(equvilant to paying for my A levels exam fees)..hai~i think so far i haven even save up any cent since i work.last month pay all went to the stock market for investment.this month pay gonna gone to pay piano exams fees plus daily expenses.oh man, i think i am going broke veri soon.suddenly i realised tat its not easy to "feed" urself and seriously money is not easy to earn either.
i duno wat is he thinking up his mind ,but i am pretending not to know cos i am uncertain also.this time round, i will reali think carefully cos i dun wan history to happen again.i shouldnt be tat soft hearted again.yes, i shall hold on firmly to my stand.

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