Tuesday, January 15, 2008

~i dun believe this~

why do i feel recently tat my heart is going towards someone else..oh no, i reali cant believe this.i thought i would never break the rule tat i have lain on previously, but looks like i have broken tat rule.perhaps if he dun treat me tat nice, then probably my heart will go bac to me.but at times i reali duno wat is he thinking deep within him.hai~
work is seriously killing me.hai~it seems tat the more i do faster, the more work i get.ok, in future i shall be smart and do slower..and i have reali brought my own screen protector cos i am reali scared my eye degree will increase tremendously.ya, its seems tat i am veri extra in the company bringing my own screen protector, but this is just to protect my eyes.yesterday was super pissed off and frustrated day for me cos work load is so much and yet phone keep on ringing non stop and i have to pick up phone call to entertainment those customer enquiries.so fann lah, and i think yesterday my attitude wasnt veri gd lah.tone was kinda bu shuang when i speak.worst still tat stupid cute agent pissed me off yesterday when i reali rush there just to hand my timesheet to him and he was saying tat onli work a few days also wan to hand my thumbsheet to him.wa lao when i hear this i was super bu shuang cos its his responsibility to tell me tat i need not hand up to him, but in the first place i didnt know cos he didnt even tell me at all..so i was kinda bu shuang and walked off without saying anything.
sun went to meet wee ping they all to eat at clark quay @indonesian restaurant there.yeah,food to me was just so so lah.but its kinda not cheap after inclusive of GST and service tax.seriously i am kinda regretted quitting my previous job cos actually tat job is actually ok compared to this job but distance wise relai too far liao so i decided to quit le..just pray hard tat i will continue to survive hard in this company ba.so far i think the gers in my company veri cute ah..haha.

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