Wednesday, January 23, 2008

~do i sound so funny?~

work todae is kinda sian todae cos there is nothing for me to do now.i have been zhuo bo since lunch bac..i am trying hard pretending to find things to do, but reali cant find anything to do cos the rest of the things are not within my capabilites tat i can do.ok, lately i realised tat a number of customers will laugh when i speak to them.hey, do i sound so funny??lohz, duno why they keep laughing when they talk to me.then ended up i also laugh with them.aiyo, i think i am reali not up to the customer service standard cos my tone doesnt sound serious and firm at all man.ya maybe i do sound kiddish.sometimes customer always ask me this and tat, which i cant reali ans cos its not within my capability, so bo bian i have to pass the line to my collegues to take over..oh man, i reali feel so bad cos they are so busy le and yet i cant do anything to help them.all i can do is to help them transfer calls and keying things into the system, after i finish my stuff, i can reali sit there and shake leg.but its kinda hard to find things to pretend to do..aiya i think my boss also know sometimes i zhuo bo from my actions but she didnt say anything.hai~i reali feel myself so useless, anything also canot do..ya, yesterday also ask my collegues wat course is gd as in easy to find job in future.but seriously i dun reali know wat i like le, despite thinking for so many yrs le.jialat man,i guess i can onli decide onli when the results are out.
recently i am also quite crazy over this korean show (coffee prince)..haha, cos tat lead actor is so macho and cute.ya, though he is abit zuai (arrogant) at times, but afterall i still find him cute.haha,todae romantic princess is coming up.wao, looking forward to tat show.
and todae i am kinda happy over some thing cos todae met up with my boss in the toilet and she was saying tat she was kinda surprised tat me being a temp staff put in responsibility and pride in my work.oh man, i feel so happy when i heard this cos i thought i reali did a bad job, esp when i keep sufting the net,but i onli did it when i finished my work lah.then the other collegues thought tat i am onli O level student cos she sae i look veri veri young.aiya will meh?my mum always say i look like some old i know why they always call me xiao mei le, cos i think to them i look veri young ah..and one thing i just realised tat they do talk abt my work performance, else my boss wouldnt have "praise" me.aiya maybe i am just better than the previous temp tat they hired,tat why they find me gd..haha, i shall do my work seriously from now on since boss has complemented me, so i mustnt play around too much without finishing my work.i mustnt give her the impression tat she has trusted the wrong person.yes, tat's should be the gd way.maybe this is a gd start =) she still say tat if i wan to continue on,she will still hire me.oh man, when i hear this, i feel seriously happy, but i am thinking of staying on or not cos i wan to try something new.perhaps working in a bank or some other things tat i never try before.i reali look forward to the company cny's dinner..haha, cos there is gd food to be and it will be on company's treat.

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