Sunday, January 27, 2008

~case closed for now~

fri work til pretty late cos before tat i slack too much liao since my small boss on leave and so i can take my own time to do my stuff..haha.wah, i still download songs and blog online.haha, tat's kinda outrageous if boss were to see it.the rest of my collegues were sitting there drinking wine, preparing to do OT afterwards.actually if i wan to drink with them, i am allowed to do so.but i dun like to drink cos wine doesnt taste nice at all..i would still prefer drinking my preferred non gas drink.actually my company got lots of can tiger beer but it would be waste if i onli wan to try a slip of it,so til now, i dare not open a single can.anyway drinking is bad for health la,i shall sustain from drinking as much as i could.

sat went for piano lesson again.this teacher is reali damn shitty cos i asked him if he could sign my exam form for me, and he said tat "i am not going to sign it, u shall enroll for ur exam urself.."wa lao leh, when he said tat i was kinda unhappy cos where got teacher treat their students like tat de.its kinda sad to hear this from him.acually i know wat he is thinking lah, i mean if i were to fail then of cos will spoil his reputation mah..fine loh, i dun believe tat without his signature i cant do anything abt i enrolled the exam myself.anyway i am just kinda pissed off lah,he has no patience to teach at all.many at times i cant reali pay attention cos i am more scared of him rather than playing attention on playing.freak out man, i am kinda bu shuang with this teacher.jialat man, i got to tahan him til july..sigh..and i think some of the parents of those kids who learn piano are reali veri niao man.5 mins realease early from class also wan to complain to the receptionist..wah reali canot tahan those parents.anyway tat 5 mins also cant teach much, why must they so calculative man?ok,after which rush down to katib to meet him to get flowers for wee ping on behalf..apparently we cant see any flourist shop despite his friend told him tat there is one flourist shop over there.yup, so eventually didnt get one for her to give garnesh.after which we walked to sch.somehow the sch doesnt seems veri crowded.didnt buy anything over there cos i felt tat the stalls are reali not organised and quite messy to the extent tat i dun reali know wat are they selling..ya its tat jialat and food wise by the time we reach there are almost sold out.yup, when i first step into sch, i saw idol 2..haha, i thought no chance to see him liao but somehow so qiao manage to bump into him.i think he did saw me too cos he did glance at me for a short sec.yeah some ppl say i do look different in outside clothes and sch uni.maybe he is recalling who am i..i was also looking out for the other 2 idols,but somehow they just couldnt be seen.duno where they go also.apparently all my friends are giving me tat look,as in who is this guy beside me and why are we always sticking together wherever we go.many of them are thinking of tat in mind,yeah even tat drink stall uncle also cos they give me tat smiling and curious expression.aiya i am reali not together with him,believe it or not,i dun understand why i must admit tat he is my bf when he is not at all and both of us got nothing between us.cos one of my ex clasmate was saying tat "wat's so embarrasing abt telling ppl tat he is ur bf.."but in the first place he is not my bf at all wat, then wat's there to admit abt.lohz..yeah, this is kinda awakward la when i told him abt it.but he didnt say anything and kept quiet.i was expecting him to at least fight bac or at least comment something on this statement, but apprently he didnt.yeah, after staying in the library for quite some time in sch, we decided to leave the sch since its kinda sian staying over i was "Drag" to his CHC church at expo.other than tat, i wanted to go shopping for sale over there since i think i need to buy some clothes.but eventually didnt go at all cos its quite late by the time the service ended.initially still got some time to shop de, but i was hold on to stay with his cell mates to interact.actually i am kinda switch off tat nite le cos i am reali sleepy le.their church service was kinda emo to me cos they kept on crying when they pray.then me being there blur blur was wondering wat's wrong with them..yeah,even he cried and i am reali shocked cos i thought guy shouldnt cry and drop tears tat easily?ya, i was quite panic as in i duno how should i comfort him cos i reali duno how to comfort ppl when it comes to religion.he said tat god has touched him but this heartless qin min felt nothing at all.i am not even moved at all.all i can know is their church songs are pretty meaningful.but i think its kinda hard for him to change my cold blooded heart cos i rarely get moved over religion.yes, i am just tat no feeling and cool blooded person.
then the next day which was sun,i met up with him again for ice skating.yeah i had a hard time learning this cos i am afraid of falling and its kinda slippery man.yup,initally we were enjoying ourselves de, but somehow after a few hours got reali sian liao.and its kinda embarrasing esp when fell down and i cant even stand up on my feet on my own and he reali had a hard time helping me up cos he claims tat i am veri heavy..aiya if i am as light as those young kids,then i would have stand up on my own without slipping.the jialat thing is tat i almost want to give up on standing up on my feet went i cant even get up when i fall down.i reali felt like sitting there and dun move.and its kinda embarrasing cos everyone is looking at u when everyone can get up when they fall but yet i cant get up.ya, this just shows how heavy am i..ya, the most pei seh thing is when i almost hug his bac when i was almost going to fall again.wah, heng man, thanks god i didnt hug his bac,else, it would be super damn embarassing.phew..and for another incident,i almost hug an ang mo guy cos he accidently trip onto me,ya but just in time he hold on to me,else i would fall again and had a hard time getting ppl to pull me up.lohz, it seems tat yesterday was a hugging day..haha.but yesterday he got quite emo and troubled after tat skating,duno why also..i think yesterday i am too direct with words liao.jialat man, this habit of mine still cant change.i am still trying hard to change..sigh..
yesterday i was kinda pissed off over 2 jerks and yes they stinks of smoke smell and i reali cant tahan it but i dun have a choice to move away from them cos i am queuing for the shutter in why i am pissed off with them is becos i know wat they are looking at la, and i am not dumb kay..i just dislike them for exchanging those lustful expression and keep giggling at me for no reason.wat the hell man..i was so pissed tat i choose to ignore them and dun even wan to look at them at all.aiya those jerks are just trying to attract attention..initially one of the guy wanted to sit with me,damn man, if he dares sit with me, then i would rather go somewhere sit or choose to stand.but those 2 jerks are relai bold to say aloud in front of me,not fearing tat i will diao them bac. anyway i doubt i will see them again, so its not worth it getting pissed over such jerks.
eh i realised tat lots of ppl say tat i look like O levels student,even his majority church friends.They say tat i dun like 21 at all.haha, duno to feel happy or sad when i hear this.its gd tat u still look young depsite the fact tat u are stepping into the early 20s le.ok if i can look tat young forever, then it will be super shiok man. =)

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