Monday, January 28, 2008

~panic over wat to teach tml~

teaching piano is something tat i never thought abt cos i reali dun have the intention to teach even after i got my grade 8 particular as to why i dun wan to teach..actually i dun reali have the passion to teach piano and i am inexperience in teaching too and i dun wan to see any students failing their exams becos i am not gd in teaching.but yesterday i received a phone call from a particular agency which i registered last yr since i was kinda desperate for jobs.yeah , i was kinda surprised tat the girl's mum is willing to hire me when i told the agent tat i haven gotton my grade 8 cert.i was told tat the girl onli want to learn it as a leisure,no need take exam.somehow it seems quite ok to me since i need not to stress over teaching her for i decided to take up this assignment since pay is kinda not bad..$25 per hour..wah, its just easy earn money la,i just need to work hard for an hour for least its much better than working when i need to work for 4 hrs just to earn tat $25.yeah, but problem is everything came veri rush and i am still not yet prepared for the 1st lesson.though her mum says tat i need not to prepare and just go there gauge her on the spot.but i think i cant go there unprepared lah cos its not too nice. though i am a person tat wan to earn money, but at the same time i wan to be a responsible teacher and i wan to make sure tat my student do learn something la.cos since young,i always get those teachers tat i didnt get to learn anything at the end of i must make sure tat i am not those kind of teacher.this shall mark a new beginning for teaching and i hope it will turn out nice.hopefully tat ger's mum is not nasty one, like those i met tat day..if not i will faint man.Hai~still thought todae go home can slack,who knows tml got to teach her liao and it was a sudden decision cos i was onli informed of the last min change.actually surpossedly it should be next week de,but CNY mah, so put it tml loh.hai~i now headache man,duno where should i start teaching her from.

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