Tuesday, January 08, 2008

~tat cute agent~

todae early morning had to wake up early just to meet tat agent to sign the 3 months contract tat we have agreed on.yeah as usual i think he knows tat i wil be late again so he purposely put it at an early timing just in case i eat into his lunch time.yes, he was right cos i am late again but this time round not as bad as before lah.so before i met up with him in the office, i was quite urgent to go toilet and surprising i met him outside the toilet so he called out for me.seriously i am kinda shocked tat he still remembers me cos i thought usually agents will meet lots of ppl in a day and so the tendancy of forgetting a person's look is quite high.wah at moment, i was having some foolish and crazy thoughts tat if onli he is my bf then it will be gd..but hey i got to wake up my idea man.yup, he was saying me like why i look so sian and i was asked to smile more since i am doing customer service.and he sae i shouldnt sit the way i sit todae (slouching as if i have no backbones like tat) and i was asked to uphold a gd image of myself.well, tml i will put on my best performance.as for todae, i am still quite sick and sian so cant reali bothered abt all these small details.but i think he is kinda a blur agent cos ask him anything also not sure.aiyo..yeah i still got 6 chances to see him again which will last til april.haha.
after the signing of the contract went to town a while to walk around before proceeding home.and seriously i am super frustrated when i cant find a single bus stop along the road to go bac home..tat time i was cursing why is the road system so bad.i walked from far east all the way to outside the british council (Somewhere near tanglin mall) and seriously leg feels super tired la esp with heels.
also in the late evening todae i recevied a phone call from my the other agent from other agency.and she said tat the DBS bank has confirm willing to hire me, which means tat my interview has pass.but sad to sae tat i have already sign the contract with tat cute agent liao so cant run away liao.of cos i am abit of regretted for signing the contract, but wat to do, wat has done has already done.actually i think on tat day of interview tat agent did call me to tell me abt the gd news, but just tat i think my phone got some problem so didnt recevied her call, so i think she onli then call me up todae to tell me but it came too late cos tat cute agent has call me up the day before her and has confirm with me tat i have gotton a job.but seriously i thought tat i would screw up my interview at the DBS bank again and i didnt dare to think abt it tat i would get employed by them cos i didnt reali talk much and she didnt reali ask much qns either.but one thing which i kept emphasizing was tat i want to pursue business in university (Which was a lie) so i choose to apply for this bank job..oh pls, i never want to touch business in my life cos i am not those business type of person. then she answered me like "i thought u will go sci course since u are a sci student", but who cares lah, interview sometimes is abt lying in order to get tat job tat u wished for. haha.never mind, this time i shall forgo this chance of entering the banking industry, after april when my contract ends, i shall look for a bank job again.meanwhile i shall just stick on to my sci reseach company.just pray hard tat tml will be a nice and gd environment just like wat tat cute agent.hopefully he is not lying.

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